LPMS-NAV Navigation Sensors for Mobile Robots and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV)

We are proud to announce the release of a new series of high-precision sensors for applications in autonomous vehicle navigation. The sensors are based on quartz-vibration gyroscopes with low-noise, low-drift characteristics. They have excellent capabilities for measurement of slow to medium speed rotations.
We offer the new sensors in various versions with different communication interfaces and housing options: LPMS-NAV2, LPMS-NAV2-RS232 and LPMS-NAV2-RS422. Please check more detailed information on our products page
The following video shows a use-case of one of our customers in China. The company is using LPMS-NAV2-RS232 sensor for mobile robot navigation. Automatic navigation of automated guided vehicles (AGV) or cleaning robots are two of the principal application areas of the LPMS-NAV series.
If you have any interest in this product, please contact us for further information.