Big in Korea

Location-based Virtual Reality for Automotive Design

Figure 1 – Using LPVR-CAD large room-scale tracking, 3D design content is visualized on VIVE Pro HMDs

In cooperation with Korean automotive design solutions provider AP-Solutions, we created a large location based virtual reality installation at the Hyundai research and development center close to Seoul, Korea. The system is used to showcase, amend and modify prototype and production-ready automobile designs (Figure 1).

LPVR Large Room Scale Tracking Engine

Figure 2 – Each VIVE Pro HMD is equipped with optical tracking markers and an LPMS-CU2 IMU. The IMUs are covered with black tape to avoid reflections of infrared light.

The system uses optical tracking together with LP-Research’s LPVR solution to track up to 20 users wearing Vive Pro Head-mounted Displays (HMD). Each user carries a VIVE hand controller for a total of 40 tracked objects in a space close to 400sqm.

Responsiveness is achieved by using LPVR (Figure 2) to combine LPMS IMU data and a software package to achieve optimum performance. The optical system uses 36 infrared cameras to track the 160 markers attached to the HMDs and hand controllers. The position and orientation data of each user’s HMD is combined using LP-Research’s algorithm.

The content of the virtual space is rendered using a CAD software package running on backpack PCs worn by each of the 20 users. The PCs communicate and coordinate via a central server.

Korean News Coverage

Images courtesy of Hyundai Motor Group Newsroom.

AVGVST Guest Post: Refining Human Motion

This is a guest post by AVGVST creative agency. AVGVST are our good neighbours here in Nishizabu Tokyo, so we thought it is a good idea to ask them to create a few good-looking blog posts for us.

Human Motion Capture

Human motion capture is a term commonly known from the world of movie production: Gollum in The Lord of the Rings lurking and smiling at his shiny ring in a weirdly human-like manner or the beautifully alien creatures of Avatar floating through a fantastic landscape.

Although transferring human body movements to a movie character is an established method, it might be surprising to some that human motion capture has a range of applications in a areas beyond the world of film production.

Motion Capture can improve human life by boosting a person’s work efficiency, support injury recovery and help preventing excessive strain on the human body under rough working conditions. The medical and manufacturing industries are just two of many fields where motion capture helps to optimizing human movements.

IMU-Based Technology for Refining Human Motion

One of the main topics of LP-RESEARCH for the application of its advanced sensor technology is to provide means for quantitatively refining human motion and make them faster, safer and more efficient.

LP-RESEARCH’s chief scientist Tobias Schlüter is writing software that uses motion sensor data to measure the movements of a person. Small sensors attached to the subject’s limbs track body motion and based on the acquired information, adjustments can be made to the subject’s movements.

This can result in improved speed safety and efficiency for a specific activity.

Motion capture AVGVST illustration

Worker Safety & Well-Being First in Industrial Production

Using this technology a patient trying to recover from a severe injury might find a faster way back to normal life. A runner working to improve his running style might gather useful information to optimize his training strategy.

A central topic in industrial manufacturing is the improvement of production efficiency: human workers performing repetitive tasks face problems of fatigue and physical conditions like back pain. Human motion capture and the corresponding analysis methods help to correct sub-optimal movements to help the work fatigue less, stay healthy and at the same time become more efficient.

With applications in sports, medical treatment, industrial production and more: Sensor technology from Tokyo – welcome to LP-RESEARCH.

To find out more details of how this technology works, please contact us

LPVR Middleware a Full Solution for AR / VR

Introducing LPVR Middleware

Building on the technology we developed for our IMU sensors and large scale VR tracking systems, we have created a full motion tracking and rendering pipeline for virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications.

The LPVR middleware is a full solution for AR / VR that enables headset manufacturers to easily create a state-of-the-art visualization pipeline customized to their product. Specifically our solution offers the following features:

    • Flexible zero-latency tracking adaptable to any combination of IMU and optical tracking
    • Rendering pipeline with motion prediction, late latching and asynchronous timewarp functionality
    • Calibration algorithms for optical parameters (lens distortion, optical see-through calibration)
    • Full integration in commonly used driver frameworks like OpenVR and OpenXR
    • Specific algorithms and tools to enable VR / AR in vehicles (car, plane etc.) or motion simulators
Overview of LPVR Middleware Functionality

Application of LPVR Middleware to In-Car VR / AR

The tracking backend of the LPVR middleware solution for VR and AR is especially advanced in the aspect that it allows the flexible combination of multiple optical systems and inertial measurement units (IMUs) for combined position and orientation tracking. Specifically it enables the de-coupling of the head motion of a user and the motion of a vehicle the user might be riding in, such as a car or airplane.

As shown in the illustration below, in this way the interior of a vehicle can be displayed as static relative to the user, while the scenery in the environment of the vehicle moves with vehicle motion.

Illustration of In-car VR Installation

For any application of augmented reality or virtual reality application in a moving vehicle, this functionality is essential to provide an immersive experience to the user. LP-Research is the industry leader for providing customized sensor fusion solutions for augmented and virtual reality.

If you have interest in this solution, please contact us to start discussing your applications case.

LPMS Operator’s Manual Update

It’s been a long time, but finally we have updated our reference manual to the latest generation of sensors.

The manual is accessible through our documentation & support page or directly from here.

Below is a list of the most important updates, some of which are fixes that customers have asked for for quite a while:

  • Removed hardware specific parts. These are now covered in the quick start manuals.
  • Corrected scaling factors for all non-floating-point data transmission modes.
  • Corrected error in description of reset modes.
  • Moved to-be-deprecated LpSensor detail description to appendix.
  • Added list with APIs for direct sensor programming. OpenZen is to replace LpSensor.

IMUcore Sensor Fusion

Introducing IMUcore

IMUcore is the central algorithm working inside all LP-RESEARCH IMUs. It collects orientation data from several sources and combines them into fast and drift-free tilt and direction information. To work with any type of MEMS sensor, various online and offline calibration methods have been implemented to guarantee high quality data output. The algorithm is very versatile and performance-saving. It can be implemented on embedded MCUs with minimum power consumption.

IMUcore is now available as a solution from LP-RESEARCH. Please contact us here for more information or a price quotation.

Overview of embedded sensor fusion in LPMS devices

Sensor Fusion Filter Overview

IMUcore uses gyroscope data as basis information to calculate orientation. Errors introduced through measurement noise are corrected by accelerometer and compass data. Optionally the sensor fusion can be extended with an optical (or other) tracking system to additionally provide position information.

All aspects of the IMUcore algorithm in one image

If this topic sounds familiar to you and you are looking for a solution to a related problem, contact us for further discussion.

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