LPMS Operator’s Manual Update

It’s been a long time, but finally we have updated our reference manual to the latest generation of sensors.

The manual is accessible through our documentation & support page or directly from here.

Below is a list of the most important updates, some of which are fixes that customers have asked for for quite a while:

  • Removed hardware specific parts. These are now covered in the quick start manuals.
  • Corrected scaling factors for all non-floating-point data transmission modes.
  • Corrected error in description of reset modes.
  • Moved to-be-deprecated LpSensor detail description to appendix.
  • Added list with APIs for direct sensor programming. OpenZen is to replace LpSensor.

iOS Support for LPMS-B2

LPMS-B2, besides Bluetooth classic, also supports Bluetooth 4 / Bluetooth Low Energy. This allows us to connect the sensor to Apple mobile devices such as the iPad, iPhone or the Apple watch. We recently have created a library that enables development of applications supporting LPMS-B2 on these devices.

The library can be accessed via our open source repository.

The repository contains a skeleton application that shows usage of the most basic parts of the library. The library itself is contained in the following files:


A sensor object is initialized and connected using the follwoing code:

#import "LpmsB2.h"
#import "LpmsBData.h"
CBPeripheral *peripheral;
CBCentralManager *centralManager;
LpmsB2 *myLpmsB2;
myLpmsB2 = [[LpmsB2 alloc] init];
[myLpmsB2 connect:centralManager Address:peripheral];

More coming soon..

LPVR Manual & VIVE Pro Holder Prototype

LPVR Quick Start Guide

We have written a quick start guide for the LP VR system. The guide describes the assembly of the VIVE marker holder and the installation/usage of the LPVR SteamVR driver. The guide at the moment doesn’t contain information about the new VIVE Pro holder, but this will be added later.

Download the guide from here: LpvrGettingStarted20180402.pdf

VIVE Pro Sensor Holder

We have been working on the development of a optical marker/sensor holder for the VIVE Pro for a few weeks. It is not completely finished yet, but below is a photo of a prototype.

VIVE Pro with IMU and markers

Large-scale VR Application Case: the Holodeck Control Center

The AUDI Holodeck

LPVR interaction

Our large-scale VR solution allows any SteamVR-based (e.g. Unity, Unreal, VRED) Virtual Reality software to seamlessly use the HTC VIVE headset together with most large-room tracking systems available on the market (OptiTrack, Vicon, ART). It enables easy configuration and fits into the SteamVR framework, minimizing the effort needed to port applications to large rooms.

One of our first users, Lightshape, have recently released a video showing what they built with our technology.  They call it the Holodeck Control Center, an application which creates multi-user collaborative VR spaces. In it users can communicate and see the same scene whether they are the same real room or in different locations. The installation showcased in the video is used by German car maker Audi to study cars that haven’t been built yet.

Our technology is essential in order to get the best VR experience possible on the 15m × 15m of the main VR surface, combining optical tracking data and IMU measurements to provide precise and responsive positioning of the headsets.  Please have a look at Lightshape’s video below.

Ready for the HTC Vive Pro

In the near future, this installation will be updated to the HTC Vive Pro which our software already supports. The increased pixel density of this successor of the HTC Vive will make the scenes look even more realistic. The resolution is high enough to actually read the various panels once you are in the drivers seat! Besides that, we are also busy studying applications of the front-facing cameras of the Vive Pro in order to improve multi-user interaction.

LPMS-NAV Navigation Sensors for Mobile Robots and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV)

We are proud to announce the release of a new series of high-precision sensors for applications in autonomous vehicle navigation. The sensors are based on quartz-vibration gyroscopes with low-noise, low-drift characteristics. They have excellent capabilities for measurement of slow to medium speed rotations.

We offer the new sensors in various versions with different communication interfaces and housing options: LPMS-NAV2, LPMS-NAV2-RS232 and LPMS-NAV2-RS422. Please check more detailed information on our products page

The following video shows a use-case of one of our customers in China. The company is using LPMS-NAV2-RS232 sensor for mobile robot navigation. Automatic navigation of automated guided vehicles (AGV) or cleaning robots are two of the principal application areas of the LPMS-NAV series.

If you have any interest in this product, please contact us for further information.

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